

Post-Graduate Support Programme

Post-Graduate Support Programme

The primary objective of the Trailblazer Post-Graduate Support Programme is to support and breed intellectuals who are driven by the passion for innovation. It seeks to create a pool of intellectuals and practitioners who are capable of finding solutions to our societal economic challenges.

The Post-Graduate Support Programme focuses on the post graduate students who are unemployed and interested in furthering their studies through participation within the research paradigm. The programme provides the following support:

  • Registration with relevant universities
  • Facilitation and assistance with research grants
  • Facilitation of placements with relevant companies, institutions and organization that could benefit from the research
  • Creates a link between research and practical experience
  • Links research and researchers with State Owned Entities

The programme is available to applicants who have been approved to participate within the programme.

The Post Graduate Support Programmes: Sign up Form

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